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Module 1 RPL Flying Syllabus

Effects of Controls: Hands on practice in flying the aircraft by using the primary, secondary and ancillary controls

Straight & Level: Learn to maintain the aircraft in straight and level flight without change in height or direction.

Climbing & Descending: Learn to climb and descend the aircraft within specified tolerances as well as level off at a nominated altitude

Turning: Learn and practice entering, maintaining and rolling out of a medium level turn

Climbing & Descending Turn: Learn how to enter, maintain and roll out of a climbing turn and a descending turn

Stall: Recognize the symptoms and dynamics of a stall, and recover the aircraft with minimal loss of altitude

Advanced Stall: Learn the effects of power and flap on the stall, stalling during a climb turn, and wing drop recovery

Circuit Introduction: Consolidate and revise previous lessons before being introduced to the circuit pattern at aerodrome.

Circuit Normal: Practice takeoff, landing and circuit patterns including upwind, crosswind, downwind, base and final approach legs

Circuit Flapless & Normal: Consolidate previous circuit training with the addition of managing abnormal situations such as flaps malfunction.

Circuit Emergency Procedures: Learn to manage engine failure after takeoff, missed landing, mid-flight engine failure, and glide approach landing

Pre-Solo Check: Consolidate previous circuit lessons in preparation for your first solo circuit flight

Circuit First Solo: Your FIRST SOLO flight (without your instructor in the cockpit) will involve takeoff, circuit pattern flight and full stop landing

Circuit Solo Checks & Second/Third Solo: Your instructor will fly with you in the circuit and if deemed competent, you will fly two subsequent (longer) solo flights

Steep Turns: Learn to perform steep level and descending turns, and use correct technique to recover from a spiral dive

Practiced Forced Landing: Learn to control the aircraft in the event of an engine failure by maintaining glide speed and performing emergency checks

Crosswind Circuits: You will learn about the effects of crosswind and use correct crosswind technique during takeoff, circuit pattern and landings.

Training Area Solo Check: Demonstrate correct outbound and inbound procedures along with stall, forced landing and steep turn techniques

Training Area Solo: If your instructor deems you are competent, you will complete a solo training flight

Precautionary Search: Learn to check and assess unfamiliar landing strips for potential hazards before committing to landing

Short Field Takeoff & Landing: Include advanced short takeoff and landing techniques and procedures into circuit pattern flying

Basic Instrument Flying: Perform instrument scan and maneuver the aircraft solely using instruments, and recover from unusual aircraft attitudes

Training Area Solo Checks & Second/Third Solo: Consolidate previous training area flight sequences and if deemed competent, you will fly two subsequent solo flights

Pre-Licence Check: A summary flight, where the instructor will check if you are up to RPL standard before sending you for your flight test

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